A downloadable game for Windows

this i my first gamejam game and also first ich io uploaded game also first ever finnished game :D its a game about an ice cube sliping around and walking on ice is out of controll right...? didnt know how to add something so yea

Rated 4.3 out of 5 stars
(3 total ratings)
GenrePlatformer, Adventure
Tags2D, Unity


Slipy Ice.zip 19 MB

Install instructions

click on download (that zip file) then when its downloaded create a folder and put everything from the zip file to that new folder and except the ".." file then you can just click at the executable file or create a shortcut thats how you download


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Hey! This a cute little game, really good as your first finished game definitely, you were able to keep the scope small and thats key for a jam. I liked some of the ideas presented on the levels (like the "headhitter" one hahah, giving mechanics names really helps boost the personality of the game), and I though the pixelart was charming and fitting.

On the other side, I feel like the player control could use some work, sometimes the drifting wasnt really predicatable and that can feel

frustrating at times. Also, I dont know if it was just me, but WASD and the arrows were doing slightly different things in some situations.

Overall this is a nice entry, especially for a first-timer, looking forward to all your upcoming games!

thank you very much on the feed back and that you played also head hitter was already a name so yea xd you have a point i suck at amking player controlls also bugs dont really count because its a game jam once again thank you!


Very cute game. I like how you slowly introduced the mechanics of the game over multiple levels. I hope you make more levels in the future!

thank you! also sorry but i wont be adding any more levels because i am working on my other games and i am close to finnishing my game "ser game"


I honestly liked this! Even more so knowing it's your first Game Jam Game. The collisions aren't perfect, but they work well enough to not take away any enjoyment from the game. The movement felt really good, especially with the momentum from the ice. And the art and music are good for the time you had to make them in. The main piece of feedback that I can give is to take away the ability to jump and turn mid-air while you've got a good bit of momentum. 


thank you! i wanted to add a feature that when you jump you cant controll you just fly and physics carries you but i didnt know how :/


Wow, ile poradników obejrzałeś ? hahahah (fajna gra, ale czasami sie buguje)

(obejżałem jakieś z 5 poradników) a bugi sie nie liczą bo to game jam :D polecam fajne są